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What To Expect


You will be greeted by friendly members as you enter the large foyer area of the Worship Center.  You can find information about the church, missions, upcoming events, etc. at the Welcome Center.  The foyer is also an area of fellowship prior to service starting.  If you have children or youth, ushers will direct you in the right direction. We hope you sense God’s presence with us. Our desire is that Jesus Christ would be magnified and exalted above all people and above all things. We pray that would be your heart as well.


Pastor Nick preaches from the English Standard Version (ESV).   If you do not have a Bible or forget yours, no worries,  we have plenty in the pews for you to use.


Pastor Nick does not preach topical sermons but Biblical, verse by verse sermons through a specific book of the Bible. We are currently going through the Gospel of Mark. You will find his sermons to be very gospel driven. In closing each week, he offers a time of commitment for those who would like to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior and respond to the sermon. If you need special prayer, this is a time you can come forward for that as well. The closing of the service will be with a final worship song. We believe it is important to dig deep into the truths of God’s Word and that takes time. Normally, we are in church from 10:30 until about 12:30. We are in no hurry on Sunday mornings.


Giving is a vital part of worship, so toward the end of our singing you are encouraged to bring your gifts to the Lord to the altar.  Ushers will also be accepting gifts for those who may have a hard time walking to the front.  During this time, our worship leaders, choir and band come down from the stage to sit with families and friends for the sermon.


Children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade go to worship service with their parents. We believe that family worship in these young years is foundational to the spiritual growth of our children.  Crayons and children’s bulletins that relate to the sermon passage are available on the children’s table in the foyer. During the worship service we provide childcare for babies through preschoolers.  An usher or other church member can help direct you to these rooms.


We partake in the Lord’s Supper generally the last Sunday of every month.  The elements (bread & grape juice) are distributed one at a time, row by row.  Hold onto your elements and we will take them together as Pastor Nick directs us. Note:  These elements that represent our Savior’s death on the cross are not to be taken lightly.  ONLY those who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior should participate.


You will find most adults in business casual type attire, however, you will also see people in suits, dresses, jeans and shorts.  Wear what makes you feel comfortable.  You don’t have to go buy clothes to worship with us, God is most concerned with your soul and so are we.


As you drive up, the front parking lot will probably be pretty empty, that is because the new worship center entrance is in the back, so please drive to the back of the building.   There are plenty of parking spaces in the back with handicap spots available as well.